National Park Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise
Is famous in Italy, and all over the world, as a model for nature conservation and environmental safeguard. In the last 20 years, the Park could harmonically develop thanks to the "zonation" of the territory, leading to the integration between conservation and development and to an agreement with the Park Municipalities to solve city planning problems. The visits to the Park are controlled and selected, and many things are being done to make this Park increasingly modern and efficient.
National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga
Covers a surface of 150.000 hectares. It is one of the biggest parks in Italy. It offers a number of proposals, itineraries and visits for every season thanks to the richness of its habitats, of its massifs and thanks to the historical-architectonical traces man left in the past. The Park is made up of three mountain groups: the chain of Gran Sasso d’Italia, the massif of Laga and the Monti Gemelli. The Park is also characterized by the presence of the highest peak of the Apennines, the Corno Grande (2912 meters). On this chain there is the only Apennine glacier, the Calderone, which is also the southernmost glacier in Europe.
National Park of Majella Mountain
The Majella (called Padre dei Monti - Mountains’ Father - by Pliny the Elder and Montagna Madre - Mother Mountain - by the people of Abruzzi) is a high, imposing, wild mountain group which is part of the world heritage of National Parks. The Park is made up of four main elements: the Majella, a wide and compact calcareous massif, the Morrone, the Porrara and the Monti Pizzi, with the valleys and the karst planes interposing between them. This National Park is unique for several factors, such as its geographical position, its harshness, its extension and climatic changes. It also includes wide areas with peculiar wilderness aspects which are important not only at a European, but also at a world level.
Regional Nature Park of Sirente-Velino
The middle valley of the Aterno, the Subequana valley, the "Altopiano delle Rocche", and the northern part of Marsica are the four areas involved by Regional Nature Park of Sirente-Velino: a territory rich in history, in valuable historical, architectonic, and archaeological aspects, in unique natural environments, in suggestive Apennine sceneries, and in rare faunal and floral specimens. Each one of the four above-mentioned areas has its own unique features, and this makes Parco del Sirente-Velino an original place.